古典占星辭典 | Diurnal \ Nocturnal 日間與夜間


Rose Chen | 陳紅穎


這個字在英國劍橋字典裡含義有:在一天內發生的(happening over aperiod of day);白天發生或晝行性的(being active orhappening during the day rather than at night)。在古典占星的應用上,大致有兩種方式,一個是DiurnalMotion,我們稱為日間運動,系指一天內天體順時針方向的運行。另一種則是將星盤分為日間盤(DiurnalChart)與夜間盤(Nocturnal Chart)。




Look in this at the seven places which I informedyou are the most powerful of them: the four stakes, the triplicity of the Ascendant,and the eleventh place.  For if thenative was diurnal and you found thediurnal planets in one of theseplaces, then he will be brought up. And if the native was nocturnal and the nocturnal planetswere in one of these places, then it is likewise indicative in the matter ofupbringing. And if a fortune was in one of these places, it is beneficial.


If the nativity was diurnal and Saturn was in the Ascendant, in his own house or in anyof his places, there is no harm in it be-cause he will be a master of landed estates,building, and he will be in charge of that.

