古典占星辞典 | Bounds 界


Rose chen




但实际上,古人所使用的界的版本非常多种,传承至今日的主要有两种:埃及界(Egyptian Terms)与托勒密界(Ptolemaic Terms)。


埃及界据说是埃及法老王与其祭司:纳车普索和皮特塞里斯(Nechepso and Petosiris)所传承下来的资料,且受到许多希腊时期占星名家采用,如:都勒斯(Dorotheus of Sidon)、维堤斯·瓦伦斯(Vettius Valens)、费尔米库斯·马特尔努斯(Firmicus Maternus)以及许多中世纪的占星名家使用。


And look in the matter of his mother from the Moon —and she is considered from her position, her bound, and her right side and left side, and from her place in the south, and her assembling with the Head and Tail: because if you found her falling down to the south or in an eclipse, or in a falling place, or in the bounds of infortunes, then all of this is bad for his mother; and then especially if the infortunes looked at her.

观察月亮来了解母亲的状态—— 须考虑月亮的位置、所在的界、她的左右、是否在南纬以及是否与龙首或龙尾聚集:若月亮往下降到南方或为蚀点,或在果宫,或在凶星的界上,母亲将饱受厄运;若又受凶星注视者更为雪上加霜。

And if you found the Moon in a bound of the fortunes, but falling down to the south, or in a star along with what I mentioned of her misfortune or her fall, then his mother will be esteemed, but certainly humiliation, baseness, and disgrace will afflict her.

若月亮在吉星的界上,但往南方下降,在星群内,虽然有上述的刑克或衰弱,命主的母亲将受到尊敬 ,但仍有耻辱、低贱或使其蒙羞的事情伤害她。
