古典占星辭典 | Celestial Equator 天球赤道


Rose Chen | 陳紅穎


天球赤道(Celestial equator):地球赤道投射到天空中的大圓圈,為天球三種主要的坐標系統之一。緯度的投影稱為赤緯(Declination),經度的投影稱為赤經(Right Ascension)(自天球赤道與黃道[Ecliptic]的交會點——牡羊座開始起算)。




The intensity of heat and cold may be measured in four “degrees” or stages. At the extreme of northern declinations (i.e., Cancer), hot is at four degrees, and cold in its first degree. As the Sun moves towards the equinox and then to the extremes of southern declination (i.e., Capricorn), heat decreases and cold increases, to become cold to the fourth degree and hot to the first; likewise as he moves back up towards the northern signs. At the equinoctial points, heat and cold are evenly balanced at two degrees.


And I say that if the circuit of the Sun was in the degrees of circles equidistant to the equator of the day, there would be a season of only one nature, hot or cold. And the Sun, from the beginning of Libra to the beginning of Capricorn, is elongated from the northern portion, and that portion is made cold, and what is in it of moisture, flows, and it is coldness to the greatest extent while he comes to the beginning of Capricorn.


