古典占星辞典 | Clothed 覆盖

作者 | Rose chen | 陈红颖





And you should not cut a vein nor extract a tooth if the Moon were in a movable or common sign, clothed by (that is, commingled with) the bad ones, unless the Moon is cleansed of the bad ones or there were a strong fortune with the Moon, or she were joined to it from a trine or sextile aspect.


〔引自戴克博士的《选择与开始》中,萨尔(Sahl)的《择日书》On Elections〕

And if Mars was clothed by Jupiter, and Mars had strength, then food becomes expensive at the end of that [quarter] and the end of the year, and depravity will happen in the land in which you found Mars, according to his sign.


〔引自戴克博士《世界占星学I 》中,里贾尔(Al-Rijal)的《论地理志与气候区》On Chorograpy & Climes〕

And if you found the Moon to be the queen of the year or of the quarter, and she was clothed by Jupiter or Venus, then the rains and snow will increase in that year, and severity and earthquake will strike Rome, and tribulation will strike the people of India, and death in the nobility will strike the people of China up to the side of Sijistān.

若月亮为这一年或这一季主管的皇后,并被木星或金星所覆盖,这一年的雨水和降雪将会增加,天灾和地震将会侵害罗马,印度的人民也将遇动荡,而从中国乃至昔吉思田 (位于现代伊朗的东部)的一带,人民也会因为达官显贵的死亡而惶恐不安。

〔引自戴克博士《世界占星学I 》中,里贾尔(Al-Rijal)的《行星判断技法 VIII》 The Book of the Skilled VIII〕
