古典占星辭典 | ​Decline declining 降落\衰弱\入弱


Rose Chen | 陳紅穎


這個字源于希臘文apoklima,英文翻成decline,在占星學的應用中主要有三種意思。第一個為降落,意指整個星座宮位制的果宮(cadence),或在有些阿拉伯文獻中的象限宮位制(quadrant house)的果宮的。除了Decline這個字外,也常用下降的(宮位)(Falling [place])來表示同樣的意思。


But if they were both in what follows the stakes, with the opposition of one of

them to the other, it indicates the severing of hope, and corruption, and especially

if it was in a female sign. And if they were in a falling place, then it will be less for their evil, and accordingly the native will decline and it will grieve him; and if the Sun looked, he will dissolve this harm.



And if the Moon was in the decline of the opposite sign of the Ascendant, or in the twelfth from it, it indicates that they will not be found. But should the Sun in that hour be looking at the Moon from the trine, then they will be found, because God has made the Sun the light, and the Sun removes the veil from matters, and illuminates every darkness and overcomes it, by the permission of God.



Now I will make the whole thing clear to you. If in nativities you found Jupiter and Mercury not made unfortunate, then judge an abundance of children. And if they were both in their well or their decline, then they do not indicate the presence of children, and if he did have children then they will die, and sorrow will afflict his father.


