古典占星辭典 | Fall(弱宮) Falling(衰弱)及Falling away from(從…下降)

作者 陳紅穎 Rose Chen



衰弱(Falling):拉丁文cadens,即果宮(cadent)之意,但究竟是就像限宮位制(quadrant division)的活躍度而言還是整星座宮位制(整宮制中亦稱為降落[declining]),則並不明確。

從…下降(Falling away from):係指從某一尖軸宮下降,例如第六宮為行星自第七宮下降的宮位,亦有不合意(aversion)之意。


The elevation of the Sun (and it is his exaltation) is in 19° of Aries; the Moon, in 3° of Taurus; Saturn, in 21° of Libra; Jupiter, in 15° of Cancer; Mars, in 28° of Capricorn; Venus, in 27° of Pisces; Mercury, in 15° of Virgo. And the fall of each one of them is in the opposite of its elevation.


And if you found the lord of the triplicity of the Ascendant falling, and you found the Moon having an infortune opposing her, and the Sun in a bad place, then the native and his parents will be slaves.


If you found one of the two glowing ones to be falling away from the sign of the west (and that is in the sixth sign), the other one opposing it from the twelfth, then this is also an indicator of the separation of his parents.





