古典占星辭典 | ​Dignity 尊貴


Rose Chen | 陳紅穎


Dignity 尊貴。(拉丁文的「有價值(worthiness)」、阿拉伯文的Hazz,代表「好運、分配(allotment)」)。英國劍橋字典對dignity這個字的定義為:

The importance and value that a person has, that makes other people respect them or makes them respect themselves.


從這樣的概念延伸,若行星具尊貴,行星所代表的人事物多半能受到尊敬或有價值感,至於尊敬的程度或其價值會隨著不同的尊貴力量而有程度上的差別。有時Dignity之前會再加上Essential(必然)這個字,與另一個觀念Accidental Dignity偶然尊貴有所區分。

尊貴的分別,取決於行星在黃道上的位置,每個行星皆有其主管負責的五個黃道區域,通常會以下順序所示:廟(domicile)、旺(exaltation)、三分性(triplicity)、界(bound / term)、外觀(face/decan)。換句話說,尊貴為行星因其所主管區域而被賦予或分配的能力。此外,每項尊貴都有其意義、效用及應用方式,之後都會專欄中一一解說。以下為古典文獻中運用的例句:

And one which has dignity in their places, should aspect the significators with a good aspect. And if the others did not aspect, at least let the lord of the bound aspect, and especially [let one aspect] the Sun: for it is good that one who has dignity in its own place should aspect him.


[引自戴克博士的《選擇與開始》所收錄,伊朗尼(al-‘Imrānī)的《擇日之書》The Book of Choices]。

And the one which you found in these places will be the manager of the year if it had some dignity (namely either a house, or exaltation, triplicity, bound, or face).


[以上兩個例句引自戴克博士《世界占星學》所收錄,阿布·馬謝(Abu Ma’shar)的《花朵》Flowers]。

If however there were a planet in the Ascendant which had no dignity in it, and there was a planet in the Midheaven having a bound and face, since it doubled the dignity it is the one which is sought, and you would not seek another.


[以上兩個例句引自戴克博士《世界占星學》所收錄,阿布·馬謝(Abu Ma’shar)的《花朵》Flowers]。
