古典占星辭典 | Excellent place/Optimal place 極佳的宮位

Rose Chen | 陳紅穎


Excellent及Optimal在英文中都有極佳的、優秀的正面意義,而Place雖然一般翻譯為地方,但在占星學的文獻中,與其用house,更常以place來指涉宮位。所謂的Excellent/Optimal place則是指十二個後天宮中最好的宮位,經常是指上升、中天和第十一宮這樣的吉宮(advantageous places)(也有可能就是特別指這三個宮位)。

我們在之前的系列文章中就曾解釋 Advantageous Places 的意義,可解釋為對當事人有幫助或有用之宮位,也就是所謂的吉宮,一般是指能注視到上升的七個宮位,即第一、四、五、七、九、十及十一宮,而第三宮雖然也能注視得到上升,但由於是果宮,所以半吉半凶,在嚴格的吉宮意義上並未列入。另外要注意,七個吉宮位置是依據整個星座宮位制來定義的。

而Excellent place/Optimal place則比所謂的吉宮更勝一籌,特別被指為極佳的宮位,即第一宮、第十宮及第十一宮。其原因很好理解。第一宮做為代表命主的宮位,自然是最重要的,而第十宮則為星盤中位置最高的宮位,代表命主的名望與成就,是生活在世俗的凡人最渴望獲得的,因此第十宮被列為極佳的宮位也不足為奇。



Now I will relate to you the matter of upbringing. Beware lest you be too fearful or your hope for the native be ended at the time you find he has an infortune in a stake, because you want to examine the first, second, and third lords of the triplicity of the Ascendant: for if you found one of them in its own share and a stake (or in what is equivalent to that, of the places in which it becomes stronger), then that will increase him in life, by the permission of God, and protect him. Now if the three of them were all in strong places, then it is more excellent. And if two of them were in a strong position, then the strength in their indication will be complete, and preferable to that is if the first one of them is in an excellent place.


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