Benjamin Dykes, PHD is a leading and outstanding contemporary authority of traditional astrology, and authorized contemporary translator of traditional astrology literatures. He was the nominee of Regulus Award of “Theory and Understanding” in 2018. learnt from Robert Zoller, and has the medieval astrologer qualification. He used to teach philosophy in various universities, including University of Illinois and University of Minnesota.

In 2007, he published the complete translation of “Astronomy” by the medieval astrological master Guido Bonatti. Then he put diligence into the work of literature translation, keeps publishing many traditional astrology translations, covering various branches of traditional astrology, eg. natal astrology, horary, and election astrology. He published “Traditional Astrology for Today” for contemporary astrological readers in 2011, released articles of mundane astrology in 2012 and 2013, and attended several astrological seminars and lectures. His articles related to philosophy including lecture of “Symbols and Light”. Dr. Dykes is a prolific translator of astrology in present days, and he gained the respect of international field of astrology.

Official website of Dr. Dykes:

Current incumbent:

★SATA’s Invited Guest Instructor


★Professor of philosophy in various universities, including University of Illinois and University of Minnesota.

★Nominee of Regulus Award of “Theory and Understanding” in 2018

Writings & translations:


★《Traditional Astrology for Today——An Introduction》(Writing)

★《Astrological Magic》(Writing)

★《Choices & Inceptions》Traditional Electional Astrology(Translation)

★《Dorotheus of Sidon》Carmen Astrologigum(Translation)

★《The Astrology of Sahl B.Bishr: Volume 1》(Translation)

★《Astrology of the World Ⅰ&II》(Translation)

★《Introductions to Traditional Astrology》(Translation)

★《The Book of the Nine Judges》(Translation)

★《The Search of the Heart》(Translation)

★《The Forty Chapters》(Translation)

《Persian Nativities Volume~(Translation)

★《Works of Sahl & Māshā’allāh》(Translation)

★《Hephaistion of ThebesApotelesmatics Book Ⅲ:On Inceptions》(Translation)

★ 《Logos & Light》(CD, Lectures)