古典占星辭典 | ​Crooked / Straight Signs 扭曲星座|直行星座


Rose Chen | 陳紅穎



扭曲與直行星座又分別稱為短上升(Signs of Short Ascension)與長上升(Signs of Long Ascension)星座,而造成長、短上升星座的主要原因為黃道與赤道之間所形成的交角,導致某些星座從東方地平線的角度來看是較為平行的,因此他們從地平線上升時的速度就會比較快,此即短上升星座,又稱為扭曲星座。





以上只是概念上的幫助,但這個分類其實更常被應用在卜卦及擇時的領域中。以下為兩個節錄自《占星詩集》(Carmen Astrologicum)的擇時法則︰

…At the beginning of every matter someone wants, look at those of the signs straight in arising as well as the crooked, and the convertible and the twin ones of them, and at the position of the star which is in the Ascendant at the beginning of every work, to see whether its end will be suitable or bad. …For if it was of those crooked in arising, then that work will be difficult, slow, with toil entering into it, along with trouble and burdens…if he began in a work and the Ascendant was of the crooked signs, and in it anything of the fortunes, and anything of them looked at the Ascendant, it will remove the burden and assist in the success of that work…And if the Ascendant was of the signs straight in arising, and anything of the infortunes fell into it or looked at it, delay will enter into that work, as well as unrest and toil.


And if the Ascendant was a sign crooked in ascension, it indicates that the runaway is confused, having already strayed from his path, or he has taken to a cave. And if the Ascendant was a sign straight in ascension, then it indicates that the runaway will stick to the path and not stray, and not be confused, until he reaches the place he wanted.


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